In a previous article, I informed you about the material from which Tutankhamun’s dagger was made (extraterrestrial material). Could it be possible that our ancestors had a close relationship with aliens?

Probably the gods with elongated skulls and cone-shaped heads from ancient times are the clear evidence of a pre-Mayan culture, given the unique archaeological discoveries made lately, artifacts hidden by the people who once controlled the world.


Some families from the city of Ojuelos, Mexico, have collected about 400 artifacts in the last 60 years. These archaeological objects are extraordinary. These people dream that one day they will open their own museum in which to show their artifacts found over time.


There were knives, plates, figurines, rings, and pendants made of jade, made of stone or metal, created by ancient people under the guidance of these “alien gods”.Archaeological discoveries were also made in Latin American countries, where elongated skull-shaped skulls were found. These discoveries were made especially in Paracas, Peru.


The last such discoveries were in Australia, they were called “Australian Elongatus”. What is your opinion about these amazing ancient artifacts discovered in Mexico? Watch the video below and let us have your point of view.

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